Dave Dungworth

Great Britain, 79 tahun



Semua Berbukit Time Trial
Tanggal Pos Klasemen umum Balap
14.04 Bournemouth Three Day | 2.2 1968-04-14 Tampilkan lebih
14.04 4 Bournemouth Three Day | Keseluruhan 1968-04-14
11.05 Tour of the South West | 2.2 1968-05-11 Tampilkan lebih
11.05 5 Tour of the South West | Keseluruhan 1968-05-11
08.05 2 Tour of the South West | 6. Etape 1968-05-08
14.04 2 Bournemouth Three Day | 3. Etape 1968-04-14